Wednesday, September 03, 2008


Ok guys.

I'm here, sitting in my dorm room, looking at the weather forecast. It's something you must do everytime you go out. Right now it's raining outside, but I see if that improves for tomorrow.

I'm seeking for a nice place to have dinner with her, preferably in Zocalo area. I want to have dinner in a nice place, from where we can see the Zocalo lighs starting up. Then maybe a cup of coffee in a terrace. I've spotted two nice places, I don't want to go for alcoholic drinks, so I prefer some good coffee ina nice place.

Of course, and I must admit it, I'm  also looking for a dark and not-so-insecure alley to steal her a kiss, a hug. Not something illicit, just something sweet comfy and warm.

Something I feel I  deserve.

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