Sunday, September 07, 2008

WHAT IF.... (1)

Uhm.. pienso en una historia.

Uhm.. I think about a tale.

What about a boy, a young gentleman, a young journalist on his firsts assignments. A young journalist who discovers the true meaning of love just in a few seconds of looking to a young girl, maybe a high school senior girl. I was thinking about a junior high one... but I don't wanna sound like Humbert Humbert reloaded and in chilango ropes.

I prefer to think about that young journalist striving with his job, with the loneliness of his style of life; his hopelesness in front of wrecked relationships who layed like ships after a hurricane.

Well, maybe not a rosy tale, maybe a pinch of sour feelings, something dark that accidentally and later, little by little, became something sweeter. But, the main question to resolve through the tale would be, can feelings and love change people in these times full of digital communications, the rat race and the urban life which its long distances and depersonalization?

We'll see if we can solve that.

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