Saturday, November 08, 2008



- Mañana para crear letras (y hallar quien las lea)
- Mediodía para usar descansar los ojos en el replay de dramas con baile y sonido
- Tarde para hurgarle los huesos al pasado remoto del país.
- Noche para acabar de leer un libro de Ryzard Kapuszinski, quien entre otras cosas dice:

Debido a la masificación de los datos, a su superficialidad y su ritmo tan febril a la hora de transmitirlos, los medios causan en el receptor un caos de conocimiento y un hambre de interpretación. De ahí la oportunidad para formas como el comentario amplio, el reportaje, el ensayo.

Otro suspiro de alivio.

Obama: be careful what you're whishing
So guys, Obama has been elected. Suddenly people in America an all over the world seem extatic with the idea of him repairing alll the evil done for Mr. W and his henchmen.

Even Michael Moore seem to be at the edge of a happines overdose (sorry guys, it's in spanish).

But, from the other side of the table (exactly from Karl Rove's dark realms) it comes the fridgeair: the hopes of a huge country like the USA AND from half of the world will be a really heavy burden for him and his almost certain Mr. Obama won't be able to satisfy everybody. As the russians say, to make an omelette, you must brake some eggs, and some people not only wont get happines, either more bombs and soldiers... like in Afghanistan.

Even in countries like Uganda (ya know where it is?) some people expects to get some attention from the new Mr. President.

So, fellas, pleas put your minds and souls in cold water. Something is the dream and now it comes reality and, as hippies learned the hard way; reality can hit really really hard.

But meanwhile, congrats to all americans, you demostrated something that here in Mexico seems unreachable. Our recently and tragically deceased State Minister was had mexican and spaniard roots, and  just for that he received a firestorm from people who said he wasn't enough commited with Mexico and worse, that he was a gachupín (a hardcore insult just reserved for people born in Spain).

So I repeat, congrats!

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