Friday, March 23, 2007


La verdad, me sentía un poco deprimido. La carga de trabajo ha sido muy intensa y como fruto me siento cansado.

Como suele suceder tras una muy intensa sesión laboral, la energía se va perdiendo y de pronto uno siente que ya no sabe ni de qué está hecha la mesa sobre la que uno trabaja.

Afortunadamente, en un trayecto del metro me puse a leer un libro: The magazine article: how to think it, plan it, write it; escrito por Peter P. Jacobi.

Muy buen libro, ya que además de las recomendaciones para escribir mejores artículos de revista. El libro me recordó que mi trabajo está lleno de recovecos y vericuetos, de complejidades y perplejidades; de deliciosos retos y difíciles pruebas en esto de la arena de las letras.

En resumen, me acordé que este es un trabajo que me encanta y de paso, sirvió para recordarme algunos temas que tenía en el cajón y que creo que es buen momento para sacar a orear, aprovechando la coyuntura.

No, I'm not talking about some electrodance new album. I'm talking about the experiment begun 50 years ago when some european nations emerging from a devastating war decided to jpin forces and ease off the difficulties involved into the steel and coal trade inside Europe.

Half a century later, European Union has become the biggest experiment of economical and social engineering ever created, driving more that 30 countries into one economical system, one set of rules one flag and maybe on the foreseeable future one army and one political system.

In America (Mexico included) that anniversary passed almost completely ignored. Some voices inside Mexico believe that we shoud follow the steps taken in Europe and search for some kind of union with USa and Canada. Some have called that utopia (for some, a distopia) as Mexamerica or Nafta +. I dunno if something like that could be possible, not during this decade, but even during the first half of the century. Our societies have some profound differences in cultural, economical and social issues that will take a few decades to vanish enough and try to get the integration.

But the facts are here. USA and Canada have gotten a close kind of union. Mexico will have it too, only because one third (sort of 30 million people) of mexican population lives there. Some see it as a nightmare... I just call it the future.

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